What is Your Body Saying to You? with Eleanor Womack - Episode 9
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------------------ SUMMARY ------------------ Welcome to the Wealthy Wellthy Life with Krisstina Wise. Today's guest is Dr. Eleanor Womack. Eleanor practices Internal Medicine and Age Management at the Westlake Medical Arts clinic located in Austin, Texas. Eleanor started out as a traditional doctor before realizing there was an alternative way to keeping her patients alive. She discusses how she discovered alternative medicine and what she does today to help keep her patients healthy.
------------------- CHAPTERS ------------------- 00:03:25 Eleanor talks about her journey from traditional medicine to how she created her current practice to 00:04:15 Life unfinished was worse than having more life. 00:04:35 Eleanor didn't know anything about alternative therapy back then. 00:05:05 What do you do with a girl called Eleanor? 00:05:35 Eleanor was given two hours to see each patient. 00:06:20 The patients who had 'no hope' all of a sudden were living! What's going on here? 00:10:25 It's different for everyone, so you can't listen for 10-15 mins on what their problems are. 00:10:50 What's the root cause? 00:14:25 How often does Eleanor's current patients need a prescription? 00:16:15 Krisstina did not have a very good time trying to find help from doctors. 00:18:20 We're not taking care of ourselves and, for many of us, we don't know how to. 00:20:25 The medical system tells you 'you can eat it all', so you don't admit certain truths to yourself. 00:22:05 Let's talk anti-aging. 00:30:25 Take your Vitamin D supplements! 00:31:35 You have to tell yourself the truth. You cannot run from what your body is saying to you. 00:32:45 Your telomeres do not shorten when you're in healthy relationships. 00:37:30 What does Eleanor recommend to improve our diet? 00:42:25 How much sun exposure do you really need? 00:44:25 What's the first step people should take to make their lives better?
----------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT THE WEALTHY WELLTHY™ LIFE ----------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the Wealthy Wellthy™ Life. We are committed to bringing you the very best research, hacks and world-renowned experts in money, health, and happiness. We want to change the world. Our intention is to create a movement that wakes you up to something more…to help you create extraordinary wealth and health…to live the Good Life.
------------------------------- ABOUT KRISSTINA ------------------------------- Krisstina Wise is a real estate mogul, Millionaire Coach, and creator of several multi-million dollar businesses including Goodlife Luxury, The Paperless Agent and most recently, WealthyWellthy. She is also an international speaker and the award-winning author of the Amazon Best-Seller Falling for Money, a romance novel for your bank account. Named one of the 100 Most Influential Real Estate Leaders in the country, she has been featured in USA TODAY, as well as by Apple, Contactually and Evernote for her creative leadership with emerging technologies.