Dr. Franklyn Gergits DO Scottsdale, AZ with 21+ years experience
Gender: Male Years In Practice: 21+ Phone Number:(480) 525-8999
Otolaryngology (ENT)
General Otolaryngology/ENT
Otolaryngic Allergy
Ped Otolaryngology (ENT)
Rhinology & Paranasal Sinus Disease
8573 E Princess Dr
Suite # B111
Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Phone:(480) 525-8999 Fax: (480) 525-8999
Affiliated Hospitals
Berwick Hospital Center Berwick, PA Geisinger-Bloomsburg Hospital Bloomsburg, PA
Dr. Franklyn Gergits's Videos
Welcome to Sinus&AllergyWellnessCenterofNorthScottsdale and Meet Dr Franklyn Gergits DO
Hi, my name is Dr. Frank Gergits, DO Welcome to the Sinus & Allergy Wellness Center of North Scottsdale. I have over 19 years experience in ear nose and throat. Our newly relocated allergy and sinus medical practice specializes in in-office procedures for acute sinusitis, chronic allergies and sleep disturbances.
One of the things that makes us different than other Phoenix area practices, is that we spend a lot of quality time with our patients to fully understand what is happening with them.
Many of the people who come to see us have problems breathing, and have been living with their sinus problems years! We have all the tools and resources to shorten the amount of visits and complications getting primary care, insurance approvals and ct scans so they can feel better within two weeks! Plus, after we help our patients with the acute issue (migraines, loss of hearing, allergic rhinitis, nose bleeds, nose polyps, sleep apnea), then we develop a long-term plan to keep the symptoms at bay so you feel better.
You will love our happy, loyal and helpful staff (and Dr Gergits) who always take special care of all our patients. (See reviews here to prove it! In addition, we created an office for our patients which is state-of -the-art, beautiful and welcoming so you will enjoy being here.
Patients who had past sinus surgeries, allergy shots and other ENT's have recommended us because of our responsiveness, knowledge, in-and-out speed and the quick 1 day recovery time. Our revolutionary Open Procedure replaces endoscopic sinus surgery which is painful, takes too much time to get approved and involves a long recovery time.
Please call us to set an appointment or to learn more! We want to help you, and meet you! For appointment: Facebook Page: To subscribe to our monthly newsletter: Our clinic reviews: Dr Franklyn Gergits, DO reviews: Call us: :(480)567-7098
Sinus and Allergy Wellness Center of North Scottsdale 8573 E Princess Drive, Suite B111 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 (right off the 101 on the Phoenix/Scottsdale border)
Monday-Friday 9:00 AM- 5:00 PM Same day appointments available!