Dr. Heather Rosen Of Recovery Care: Find The Right Addiction Treatment Program
RecoveryCare.org Dr. Heather Rosen Of Recovery Care in Jeannette PA 855-502-2273: Talks about addiction treatment and recovery and gives advice on what to look for in a treatment center in the Pittsburgh and Jeannette PA areas.
For additional information on this topic can contact Dr. Heather Rosen at:
Recovery Care
207 N. 14th Street
Jeannette PA 15644
I’m often asked, how to go about finding the right addiction treatment program.
The problem is that finding the right addiction treatment program can often feel overwhelming. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be difficult if you know what questions to ask.
Searching for the right addiction treatment program to suit a client’s needs can be challenging. Finding an expert who has the experience and medical knowledge to treat opiate, alcohol and narcotic addictions can feel like a tough search.
I’d like to give a few tips on how to find a great addiction treatment program.
TIP # 1 Will they have a board certified physician to help with your recovery? The regulations for treatment programs are almost non-existent. Almost anyone can start one up. Who would you rather have helping? Someone who considers your health just another job, or a doctor who has enough passion to go through rigorous training and has dedicated their life to helping people?
TIP #2 Most addictions breed other serious issues. Physical, mental and spiritual ailments are intertwined. Addiction ravishes the body, often causing multiple medical problems. This may include hepatitis, skin disease, high blood pressure, nutritional deficiencies, teeth, and heart issues to name a few. Many of these problems need medicine and can only be treated by a doctor.
TIP #3 Each patient should be assessed on an individual basis. There are many mental health conditions that accompany addiction. These include depression, insomnia, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. In a program without an MD, this ends up requiring multiple visits to doctors outside the program, sometimes causing conflicts with medicines and treatments.
As the doctor at Recovery Care, I'm able to treat the entire person and not just the addiction. My many years of training and experience as a family practitioner allows the physicians and health care professionals at Recovery Care to treat a wide variety of problems associated with addictions which most other clinics simply can't touch.
Most addiction programs don't accept insurance, but we accept a variety of insurance plans from both Pennsylvania and West Virginia, including Medicaid and Medicare. These often cover the entire expense of treatment.
For those that want to learn more, they can simply go to RecoveryCare.org. Or call us toll free at 855-502-2273 and make an appointment today.
We treat our clients with respect and can get you in our programs quickly without a long waiting list. At Recovery Care, we allow you to be your best self.