Dr. Suzanne Yee MD Little Rock, AR with 21+ years experience
Gender: Female Years In Practice: 21+ Phone Number:(501) 224-1044
Plastic Surgery
Aesthetic/Cosmetic Plastic Surgery
General Plastic Surgery
12600 Cantrell
Little Rock, AR
Little Rock, AR 72223 Phone:(501) 224-1044 Fax: (501) 224-1044
Affiliated Hospitals
Arkansas Children's Hospital Little Rock, AR Ashley County Medical Center Crossett, AR CHI St. Vincent Infirmary Little Rock, AR
Dr. Suzanne Yee's Videos
Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Suzanne Yee Little Rock, Arkansas
Arkansas cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Suzanne Yee, is certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. During your first visit with us, well give you all the information you need to make a decision comfortably. To learn more about Dr. Suzanne Yee, her services, and her practice, or to schedule a consultation, please visit our website at
You may contact Dr. Suzanne Yee at:
12600 Cantrell
Little Rock, Arkansas 72223
Toll Free: 866-529-6061
Eyelid Surgery with Dr. Suzanne Yee Little Rock, Arkansas
Eyelid surgery in Arkansas is safe and satisfying for patients at the office of board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Suzanne Yee. An eyelid lift can make eyes appear to be more open, leading to a younger, more refreshed look. If youre tired of looking tired, we can help. To learn more about Dr. Suzanne Yee, her services, and her practice, or to schedule a consultation, please visit our website at
You may contact Dr. Suzanne Yee at:
12600 Cantrell
Little Rock, Arkansas 72223
Toll Free: 866-529-6061
KATV GMAR Dr. Suzanne Yee on Mommy Makeover (5 /13/ 13)
Refreshing Facelift with Dr. Suzanne Yee Little Rock, Arkansas
If youre interested in a facelift in the Little Rock, Arkansas area, you need to contact board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Suzanne Yee. She has been certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. To learn more about Dr. Suzanne Yee, her services, and her practice, or to schedule a consultation, please visit our website at
You may contact Dr. Suzanne Yee at:
12600 Cantrell
Little Rock, Arkansas 72223
Toll Free: 866-529-6061
Dr. Suzanne Yee - Women Building an Empire
Dr. Yee was featured on Fox16's Women Building an Empire segment.
Advanced Skin Care with Dr. Suzanne Yee - Little Rock, Arkansas
If you want professional skin care in the Little Rock, Arkansas area, look no further than the office of board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Suzanne Yee. Her highly trained staff uses the finest products to give your skin a healthy and youthful glow. To learn more about Dr. Suzanne Yee, her services, and her practice, or to schedule a consultation, please visit our website at
You may contact Dr. Suzanne Yee at:
12600 Cantrell
Little Rock, Arkansas 72223
Toll Free: 866-529-6061
Breast Lift by Dr. Suzanne Yee Little Rock, Arkansas
At Dr. Suzanne Yee's Little Rock, Arkansas practice, she approaches cosmetic surgery as a discipline combining classical art and modern science. In this video, our breast lift patient, Ruby, talks about her impression with Dr. Yee. To learn more about Dr. Suzanne Yee, her services, and her practice, or to schedule a consultation, please visit our website at