Dr. Allison Phelps MD Cincinnati, OH with 6-10 years experience
Gender: Female Years In Practice: 6-10 Phone Number:(513) 354-3700
Critical Care Medicine
General Emergency Medicine
Sports Medicine (Non-Surgical)
500 E Business Way
Suite A
Cincinnati, OH 45241 Phone:(513) 354-3700 Fax: (513) 354-3700
Affiliated Hospitals
Christ Hospital Cincinnati, OH
Dr. Allison Phelps's Videos
Dr. Allison Phelps Discusses Ankle Sprains and Strains - Beacon's Corner
Dr. Allison Phelps is sports medicine physician and Beacon ORthopaedics and Sports Medicine. Ankle Sprains and Ankle Strains are two different injuries. A sprain is a stretching or partial tearing of a ligament, while a strain is a stretching or partial tearing of a tendon. If an athlete has turned their ankle inward or outward and experiences swelling or pain when bearing weight, there are a few steps that can determine if immediate care is necessary or if they can see an orthopaedic specialist the next day. 1. Check for deformity- is it just swollen or do bones seem misaligned? 2. Pain control- if pain is intolerable, seek immediate care for medication. 3. Are they able to bear weight? If not and no assistive walking devices are available, immediate care is encouraged. For more info, visit beaconortho.com