Dr. Amanda Ferrell MD Little Rock, AR with 21+ years experience
Gender: Female Years In Practice: 21+ Phone Number:(501) 227-5256
General Radiology
9601 Lile Dr, Suite 1100
Little Rock, AR 72205 Phone:(501) 227-5256 Fax: (501) 227-5256
Affiliated Hospitals
Ashley County Medical Center Crossett, AR
Dr. Amanda Ferrell's Videos
Screening vs. Diagnostic Mammograms - Dr. Amanda Ferrell - Radiology Consultants Little Rock
Dr. Amanda Ferrell of Radiology Consultants in Little Rock discusses the difference between a screening and diagnostic mammograms, as well as when a person should start and stop screening.
Breast Pain - Dr. Amanda Ferrell of Radiology Consultants
Dr. Amanda Ferrell of Radiology Consultants in Little Rock discusses why women experience breast pain and how to deal with breast pain symptoms.
3 D Mammography with Dr Amanda Ferrell of Radiology Consultants 2017
Dr. Amanda Ferrell with Radiology Consultants in Little Rock discusses the benefits of 3-D mammograms, including benefits for patients with dense breasts and patients with breast implants.
Breast Imaging - Dr Amanda Ferrell - 2016/10/12 KARK Interview
Dr. Amanda Ferrell with Radiology Consultants talks with KARK 4 News regarding the importance of mammograms and the screening for breast cancer.
Mammograms - Dr Amanda Ferrell & Dr Milligan - KATV Interview 1/19/17
Dr. Amanda Ferrell of Radiology Consultants discusses finding from Denmark study regarding supposed over-diagnosing of breast cancer and mammograms.
A recent study from Denmark made the claim that 40-50% breast cancers that were found by screening mammography were cancers that were not going to harm the patient over the course of her life, called over diagnosis. This estimation was made upon reviewing population data from a national data base and didn’t look at individual patients, or even who did or did not undergo screening mammography. This was not a new, this is a statistical review in counties where screening was an was not offered. A study from a few years ago, printed in the British Journal of Medicine estimates the rate of over diagnosis at about 2%, based on review of individual patient data. The American Cancer Society has reviewed the data from the study in the British Medical Journal and has endorsed the findings. What we do know, based on well run randomized trials that looked at direct patient data, is mortality from breast cancer has decreased by about 30% (range 25-40% across multiple studies) in the screening era. Good breast health includes a breast exam by your doctor every 1-3 years from age 20-40 and annually after age forty, awareness of what your normal breast tissue feels like and annual mammography after 40. ~ Dr. Amanda Ferrell
Breast Density Notification Law - Dr. Amanda Ferrell News Interview 2015 07 29
Dr. Amanda Ferrell of Radiology Consultants in Little Rock, Arkansas is interviewed by KTHV to discuss the new Breast Density Notification Law.