Dr. Amanda Ombrello MD Bethesda, MD with 11-20 years experience
Gender: Female Years In Practice: 11-20 Phone Number:(301) 827-4258
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and Related Rheumatology
National Human Genome Research Institute/National Institutes of Health
10 Center Drive 9N/248D
Bethesda, MD 20892 Phone:(301) 827-4258
Affiliated Hospitals
National Institutes of Health Clinical Center Bethesda, MD
Dr. Amanda Ombrello's Videos
At the NIH Clinical Center: Drs. Michael and Amanda Ombrello are rheumatology clinicians
Meet Drs. Michael and Amanda Ombrello. They are rheumatology clinicians in the National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeltal & Skin Disease. Michael runs a lab that is trying to discover the causes of auto-inflammatory diseases and create treatments and cures for them. Meanwhile, Amanda works with doctors and patients and is trying to diagnose the cause for the patients' auto-inflammatory disease. Both work with patients at the NIH Clinical Center. Video courtesy of Lab TV LabTV interview conducted in 2014.