Dr. Brian Dorner MD Dublin, OH with 21+ years experience
Gender: Male Years In Practice: 21+ Phone Number:(614) 336-9000
Plastic Surgery
General Plastic Surgery
6425 Post Rd
Suite 102
Dublin, OH 43016 Phone:(614) 336-9000 Fax: (614) 336-9000
Aetna Choice POS II Aetna HMO Anthem Blue Access PPO Anthem Blue Preferred HMO BCBS Blue Card PPO BCBS Illinois PPO CIGNA HMO
CIGNA Open Access CIGNA PPO Great West PPO Humana ChoiceCare Network PPO United Healthcare - Direct Choice Plus POS United Healthcare - Direct Options PPO
Affiliated Hospitals
Mount Carmel East and West Hospitals Columbus, OH Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Columbus, OH OhioHealth Riverside Methodist Hospital Columbus, OH
Dr. Brian Dorner's Videos
Columbus, OH Plastic Surgeon Dr. Brian Dorner Explains Liposuction
Dr. Dorner describes how liposuction is a useful technique with mommy makeovers and tummy tucks.
Dr. Dorner offers effective liposuction treatments for men and women alike at his office in Columbus, OH. Liposuction is a type of cosmetic surgery that is specifically designed to reshape and sculpt the body by removing the fatty deposits to make the underlying muscles visible and more defined. Liposuction targets stubborn fat that is resistant to exercise and diet. Dr. Dorner’s office in Columbus, OH commonly performs this procedure on the stomach, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, and chin. Just one session with Dr. Dorner in Columbus, OH can produce dramatic and immediate effects.
To learn more about Liposuction with Dr. Dorner, please visit
Or give his office a call today!
6425 Post Rd. Suite 102 Dublin, OH 43016 614-721-4721
Plastic Surgery Myths—Dr. Brian Dorner on Good Day Columbus
Dr. Dorner recently unveiled five plastic surgery myths on Fox 28's Good Day Columbus program.
To learn more about Dr. Dorner, visit his website or give his office a call today!
6425 Post Rd. Suite 102 Dublin, OH 43016 614-721-4721
Columbus Plastic Surgeon Brian Dorner Introduces 3D Face Simulation
Dorner Plastic Surgery is always striving to be equipped with the latest technological advances in cosmetic procedures. This face simulator helps patients feel confident in the results of their procedure even before surgery to ensure they are receiving their exact desired image.
For more information, please visit Dr. Dorner's website, or call the office today!
6425 Post Rd. Suite 102 Dublin, OH 43016 614-721-4721
Columbus Plastic Surgeon Dr. Brian Dorner Explains Breast Lifts
Dr. Dorner describes breast lifts, who they may be good for, and how they are a quick procedure with relatively little down time afterwards.
A breast lift is otherwise called mastopexy. This procedure is a plastic surgery enhancement wherein the cosmetic surgeon raises sagging breasts. The goal is to change the size, contour and to make the breasts aesthetically proportionate to match the patient’s desired goal.
A lot of factors are considered for this procedure. To start, the NAC or nipple areola complex should be considered, as this ensures that there is proper sensitivity for both breastfeeding and lactation. The process requires cutting and removing excess tissues. This includes skin, fat glandular elements and overstretched suspensory ligaments. The nipple areola complex is moved higher up to give it a youthful look.
To learn more, please visit our website or give us a call today!
6425 Post Rd. Suite 102 Dublin, OH 43016 614-721-4721
Columbus OH Plastic Surgeon Brian Dorner Discusses Surgery-Fillers
Look your best without surgery! Treatments with Dr. Dorner have made it easy for you to look young and refreshed with almost zero downtime. Whether it is smoothing wrinkles, plumping lips, or concealing bags under eyes, Dr. Dorner will work with you to find the treatment to best fit you.
To learn more about Dr. Dorner, visit his website or give his office a call today!
6425 Post Rd. Suite 102 Dublin, OH 43016 614-721-4721