Dr. David Eggert MD Jackson, MI with 21+ years experience
Gender: Male Years In Practice: 21+ Phone Number:(517) 788-6968
General Surgery
Vascular Surgery
1100 E Michigan Ave
Suite 310
Jackson, MI 49201 Phone:(517) 788-6968 Fax: (517) 788-6968
Dr. David Eggert's Videos
Orthopedic Surgeon David Eggert of OSI
osifv.com Learn about Dr. Eggert's path to orthopedics and how his philosophy guides the Orthopedic & Sports Institute of the Fox Valley. Dr. Eggert's specialties include anterior hip replacements, total knee replacements, shoulder replacements, fracture care, and sports medicine. He practices in Appleton, WI and Ripon, WI. Dr. Eggert also founded OSI's Medical Mentoring Program, which pairs students from 11 high schools with area medical professionals.