Dr. David Gossage DO Hillsdale, MI with 21+ years experience
Gender: Male Years In Practice: 21+ Phone Number:(517) 439-2020
General Ophthalmology
50 W Carleton Rd
Hillsdale, MI 49242 Phone:(517) 439-2020 Fax: (517) 439-2020
Affiliated Hospitals
Hillsdale Hospital Hillsdale, MI
Dr. David Gossage's Videos
Dr. David Gossage talks about the IRIDEX's IQ 532 Laser System
Dr. David Gossage from Gossage Eye Institute in Hillsdale, MI talks with Joan from IRIDEX at AAO 2017 about his experience treating glaucoma and retinal diseases with continues wave and MicroPulse laser via the IQ 532 Laser System.