Dr. Diana Kruse MD Sauk City, WI with 21+ years experience
Gender: Female Years In Practice: 21+ Phone Number:(608) 644-0109
Orthopedic Surgery
General Orthopedic Surgery
208 Phillips Blvd
Sauk City, WI 53583 Phone:(608) 644-0109 Fax: (608) 644-0109
Affiliated Hospitals
Sauk Prairie Healthcare-Prairie Du Sac Prairie Du Sac, WI
Dr. Diana Kruse's Videos
Dr. Diana Kruse - Orthopedic Surgeon
Dr. Diana Kruse - Orthopedic Surgeon
Dr. Kruse is an orthopedic surgeon in Sauk CIty, Wisconsin. She began practice after graduating from the University of Wisconsin Medical College.
She truly enjoys her work as an orthopedic surgeon and helping those with joint pain and functional problems. She performs her surgeries at Sauk Prairie Healthcare in Prairie Du Sac, Wisconsin and believes the orthopedic team is outstanding.
She enjoys performing total knee replacement surgeries and helping those patients recover after having so much severe pain.
To learn more about the Sauk Prairie Healthcare orthopedic program:
Sauk Prairie Healthcare 250 26th Street Prairie Du Sac, Wisconsin 53578
Dr. Diana Kruse - Knee Replacement at Sauk Prairie Healthcare
Dr. Diana Kruse - Knee Replacement at Sauk Prairie Healthcare
Dr. Diana Kruse provides insight into the knee replacement process. As an orthopedic surgeon in Sauk Prairie, Wisconsin, she treats patients who have degenerative knee arthritis or other joint problems that may require a surgery of the knee joint.
The knee replacement surgery that she performs removes the arthritis from within the knee. The ends of the bones are 'resurfaced' and a new artificial pad is placed.
Following the surgery at Sauk Prairie Healthcare, the patients are then encouraged through the process of rehabilitation of the area including flexibility, stregthening and improved range of motion.
As we age, the possibility of knee joint problems increases. Fortunately, advanced surgeries, such as total knee joint replacements are possible at Sauk Prairie Healthcare.
Learn more about our joint program:
Sauk Prairie Healthcare 250 26th Street Prairie Du Sac, WI. 53578