Dr. Gary Nanez MD El Paso, TX with 11-20 years experience
Gender: Male Years In Practice: 11-20 Phone Number:(915) 779-5866
Otolaryngology (ENT)
General Otolaryngology/ENT
5959 Gateway West
Ste 160
El Paso, TX 79925 Phone:(915) 779-5866 Fax: (915) 779-5866
Aetna Choice POS II Aetna HMO BCBS Blue Card PPO BCBS Texas BlueChoice CIGNA HMO CIGNA Open Access CIGNA PPO First Health PPO GHI PPO Great West PPO Horizon BCBS Direct Access
Horizon BCBS HMO Horizon BCBS POS Horizon BCBS PPO Humana ChoiceCare Network PPO Multiplan PHCS PPO Multiplan PPO QualCare HMO QualCare PPO United Healthcare - Direct Choice Plus POS United Healthcare - Direct Options PPO
Affiliated Hospitals
Hospitals of Providence Memorial Campus El Paso, TX Hospitals of Providence Sierra Campus El Paso, TX Las Palmas Medical Center El Paso, TX