Dr. Jaroslaw Michalik MD Sullivan, MO with 1-2 years experience
Gender: Male Years In Practice: 1-2 Phone Number:(573) 860-6000
General Surgery
965 Mattox Dr
Sullivan, MO 63080 Phone:(573) 860-6000 Fax: (573) 860-6000
Dr. Jaroslaw Michalik's Videos
Meet Dr. Jaroslaw Michalik - BJC Medical Group
Jaroslaw Michalik, MD, is a general surgeon on staff at Missouri Baptist Sullivan Hospital. He enjoys the tight-knit atmosphere of MBSH because he believes excellent health care is provided by teams. Additionally, as a general surgeon, he takes time to explain the many treatment options a patient may have so they are fully educated in their decision. Learn more about Dr. Michalik here:
Call 1-855-747-5400 for an appointment or visit bjcmedicalgroup.org.