Dr. Jason Huang MD Temple, TX with 11-20 years experience
Gender: Male Years In Practice: 11-20 Phone Number:(254) 724-2475
Neurological Surgery
General Neurosurgery
2401 s. 31st Street
Scott & White Clinic
Temple, TX 76508 Phone:(254) 724-2475 Fax: (254) 724-2475
Aetna Choice POS II BCBS Blue Card PPO CIGNA Open Access CIGNA PPO Excellus BCBS BluePPO GHI PPO
HIP of New York - Select PPO MagnaCare PPO Multiplan PHCS PPO Multiplan PPO United Healthcare - Direct Choice Plus POS United Healthcare - Direct Options PPO
Affiliated Hospitals
Baylor Scott and White Medical Center-Temple Temple, TX