Dr. John Lieberman DO Midland, MI with 11-20 years experience
Gender: Male Years In Practice: 11-20 Phone Number:(989) 837-9400
Obstetrics & Gynecology
General Obstetrics & Gynecology
4401 N Campus Ridge Dr
Suite B2200
Midland, MI 48640 Phone:(989) 837-9400 Fax: (989) 837-9400
Affiliated Hospitals
MidMichigan Medical Center-Midland Midland, MI
Dr. John Lieberman's Videos
Dr. John Lieberman Describes the da Vinci Xi Surgical System
Gynecologist John Lieberman, D.O., explains how the instrumentation is used for the da Vinci® Xi™ Surgical System at MidMichigan Medical Center in Midland. Currently, MidMichigan has a team of 16 highly-skilled surgeons performing robotic surgery for procedures involving general surgery, bariatric surgery, gynecologic surgery and urological procedures. Those who would like more information about the da Vinci System and a complete listing of the robotic procedures currently performed at MidMichigan Medical Center may visit midmichigan.org/davinci.