Dr. Justin Frederick MD Spokane, WA with 11-20 years experience
Gender: Male Years In Practice: 11-20 Phone Number:(509) 747-4455
801 S Stevens St
Spokane, WA 99204 Phone:(509) 747-4455 Fax: (509) 747-4455
Aetna Choice POS II Aetna HMO Amerihealth HMO AmeriHealth PPO BCBS Blue Card PPO CIGNA HMO CIGNA Open Access CIGNA PPO Coventry Carelink Health Plans PPO Great West PPO Health Net Oregon PPO
HealthAmerica HealthAssurance PPO Humana ChoiceCare Network PPO IBC Keystone HMO / POS IBC Personal Choice PPO Multiplan PHCS PPO Multiplan PPO ODS Network Regence Washington - Preferred Provider Network United Healthcare - Direct Choice Plus POS United Healthcare - Direct Options PPO
Affiliated Hospitals
Providence Holy Family Hospital Spokane, WA Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center and Children's Hospital Spokane, WA