Dr. Kia Jones MD Anderson, IN with 6-10 years experience
Gender: Female Years In Practice: 6-10 Phone Number:(765) 298-4460
Otolaryngology (ENT)
General Otolaryngology/ENT
1629 Medical Arts Blvd. Suite 200
Community Ear, Nose, and Throat Care
Anderson, IN 46011 Phone:(765) 298-4460 Fax: (765) 298-4460
Affiliated Hospitals
Community Hospital East Indianapolis, IN
Dr. Kia Jones's Videos
Meet Dr. Kia Jones - Ear, Nose and Throat Care
Dr. Jones is an ear, nose and throat specialist who treats speech and swallowing disorders, head/neck cancer, thyroid issues, nose/sinuses, ear disease/hearing loss and much more. She believes in having a partnership with her patients. She has been with Community since 2015 and is located in Anderson, Indiana. Request an appointment with Dr. Jones: