Dr. Melek Kayser MD Troy, MI with 21+ years experience
Gender: Male Years In Practice: 21+ Phone Number:(586) 776-3223
Plastic Surgery
General Plastic Surgery
29167 Jefferson Avenue
Troy, MI 48084 Phone:(586) 776-3223 Fax: (586) 776-3223
Affiliated Hospitals
Ascension St. John Hospital Detroit, MI Beaumont Hospital-Grosse Pointe Grosse Pointe, MI
Dr. Melek Kayser's Videos
Candidates For Liposuction in Troy Michigan - Melek Kayser MD
Candidates For Liposuction in Macomb Michigan - Melek Kayser MD
Liposuction or suction assisted lipectomy ( SAL ) is the process of contouring the body via the elimination of fat . A long , hollow , blunt , metallic cannula ( cylinder ) is placed in by very small incisions and fat is aspirated or taken away utilizing a vacuum suction devise . This permits sculpting those diet and exercise reluctant areas to achieve the physique that you desire . Carefully consider having liposuction in Michigan with Dr . M Kayser , a board certified plastic surgeon in Michigan . Seeing patients from Dearborn Visit