Dr. Michael Workman MD Vancouver, WA with 21+ years experience
Gender: Male Years In Practice: 21+ Phone Number:(360) 896-6000
Plastic Surgery
General Plastic Surgery
1405 Se 164th Ave
Suite 100
Vancouver, WA 98683 Phone:(360) 896-6000 Fax: (360) 896-6000
Affiliated Hospitals
PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center Vancouver, WA
Dr. Michael Workman's Videos
Portland Plastic Surgeons Dr. Michael Workman & Dr. Lee Robinson
Meet Portland's most trusted plastic surgery team, Dr. Michael Workman ( and Dr. Lee Robinson.
Dr Michael Workman Tummy tuck
Here is a brief description of how Dr. Workman does Tummy tucks
Dr. Michael Workman Demonstrates Botox Injections
Dr. Workman demonstrates a Botox treatment live on 105.1 the Buzz. Learn more about how Botox can improve your appearance at
Facts About CoolSculpting with Dr. Michael Workman | 105.1 The Buzz
Dr. Michael Workman ( joins 105.1 The Buzz to talk about the incredible things CoolSculpting is doing for his patients.
Facts About CoolSculpting:
- It’s a treatment that was developed by Harvard University about fifteen years ago - It allows for controlled freezing to kill fat cells - Your body absorbs the fat cells into the bloodstream - CoolSculpting can be used for double chins - Dr. Michael Workman has used CoolSculpting on his chest to show its effectiveness - DualSculpt allows Dr. Michael Workman and his staff to apply CoolSculpting to two parts of the body at the same time - The CoolSculpt Mini is a special CoolSculpt device that can be used on smaller regions like under the chin - The results are visible within 4-8 weeks - Better than liposuction because you can go back to work the next day - Most people can go back to normal activities the same day - Multiple treatments are recommended, depending on what areas need to be treated
---------- Michael Workman, M.D., a board-certified plastic surgeon, and his team of cosmetic professionals have been providing exceptional cosmetic surgery results to patients in the Portland/Vancouver area since 1993.