Dr. Mihaela Bujoi MD Albuquerque, NM with 21+ years experience
Gender: Female Years In Practice: 21+ Phone Number:(505) 563-2500
Cardiothoracic Imaging
Non-Invasive Cardiology
Nuclear Cardiology
Preasbyterian Heart and Vascular Institute
1 Cedar St SE #6600, Albuquerque, NM 87106
Albuquerque, NM 87102 Phone:(505) 563-2500
Aetna Choice POS II BCBS Blue Card PPO BCBS New Mexico PPO CIGNA HMO CIGNA Open Access CIGNA PPO Excellus BCBS BluePPO Excellus BCBS HMOBlue First Health PPO GHI PPO Great West PPO
Humana ChoiceCare Network PPO Lovelace Health Plan PPO MagnaCare PPO Multiplan PHCS PPO Multiplan PPO MVP Healthcare HMO Presbyterian Commercial Rocky Mountain Group/Indiv - HMO/Private Pay United Healthcare - Direct Choice Plus POS United Healthcare - Direct Options PPO