Dr. Roger Bise MD Fort Smith, AR with 21+ years experience
Gender: Male Years In Practice: 21+ Phone Number:(479) 478-8555
Plastic Surgery
General Plastic Surgery
2713 S 74th St
Suite 302
Fort Smith, AR 72903 Phone:(479) 478-8555
Affiliated Hospitals
Mercy Hospital Fort Smith Fort Smith, AR Sparks Regional Medical Center Fort Smith, AR
Dr. Roger Bise's Videos
Plastic Surgery Center in Ft. Smith Roger Bise MD DDS FACS
Considering a change? Surgery? A little less? Surgeon Roger N. Bise MD, DDS, FACS of the Plastic Surgery Center in Ft. Smith, Arkansas, offers a number of solutions, both surgical and non-surgical. Laser procedures, skin cancer treatment, Botox, maxillofacial surgery and more are offered in a clinical yet comfortable setting by Dr. Bise and his expert staff. Consult with him and discover your options for improvement. Visit us