Dr. Sam Pejham MD Pleasanton, CA with 11-20 years experience
Gender: Male Years In Practice: 11-20 Phone Number:(925) 460-8444
General Pediatrics
5565 W Las Positas Blvd
Suite 240
Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone:(925) 460-8444
Aetna Choice POS II Aetna HMO BCBS Blue Card PPO BCBS California CaliforniaCare HMO BCBS California PowerSelect HMO BCBS California PPO BCBS Illinois PPO Blue Shield CA Local Access Plus HMO Blue Shield California HMO Blue Shield California PPO CareFirst BCBS Maryland POS CareFirst BlueChoice Advantage CareFirst BlueChoice Network POS CareFirst BluePreferred PPO
CIGNA HMO CIGNA Open Access CIGNA PPO Cofinity PPO First Health PPO Great West PPO Health Net California Large Group PPO Humana ChoiceCare Network PPO Multiplan PHCS PPO Multiplan PHCS PPO - Kaiser Multiplan PPO Pacificare HMO United Healthcare - Direct Choice Plus POS United Healthcare - Direct Options PPO
Affiliated Hospitals
San Ramon Regional Medical Center San Ramon, CA UCSF Medical Center San Francisco, CA
Dr. Sam Pejham's Videos
Pediatrician Pleasanton CA on Pediatic Doctor Practice Dr. Sam Pejham Dublin, Danville, Child Care
Pediatrician Pleasanton CA, Dr. Sam Pejham speaks about pediatric services offered to the public at a pediatric center. Pediatricians specialize in offering children proper care and medications. If a child has been visiting the pediatric from an early age there could be a high possibility that a child will grow very healthy and strong. Pediatricians treat diarrhea in children, dehydration, vomiting, and fever. Dr. Sam Pejham encourages parents to offer their children proper nutritional foods, and vitamins to prevent them from getting sick. Developing healthy eating habits are ideal even if your children do not visit the pediatrician. For more information please visit you local pediatric doctor. For more videos visit the following link:
Pediatrician Pleasanton, Dr. Sam Pejham also serves the following cities and cities with the following zip codes: Dublin CA, Danville CA, Diablo CA, Castro Valley CA, Pleasanton CA, 94583, 4568, 94506, and 94526.
Pleasanton Doctor Pediatrics on Fever in Children Dr. Sam Pejham Dublin CA, Danville CA Child Doctor
Pleasanton doctor pediatrics Dr. Sam Pejham speaks about fever in children. Fever in children is treated in most cases by the age of the child. In some cases fever is considered normal. If your child is experiencing ear pain, constant temperature drop, and rise then it is recommended for parents to take their child to the doctor. If fever is monitored and the temperature reads above 102 degrees then it is recommended for parents to take their child to emergency room. Fever is mostly caused by bacteria(s) most children catch while playing and interacting with others. In some cases fevers can be treated at home, by applying a wet cloth in the forehead, a room temperature shower also helps. For more information visit your local children doctor. For more information visit your local medical doctor. For more videos visit the following link:
Pleasanton doctor pediatrics Dr. Sam Pejham also serves the following cities and cities with the following zip codes: Dublin CA, Danville CA, Diablo CA, Castro Valley CA, Pleasanton CA, 94583, 4568, 94506, and 94526.
Pediatrician Pleasanton CA on Immunization Vaccination Dr. Sam Pejham Dublin CA, Danville Child Care
Pediatrician Pleasanton CA, Dr. Sam Pejham speaks about immunization facts in this video interview. If we want our children healthy we first need to encourage our kids to develop healthy habits. Second fact to take in consideration is to have all immunizations be given to avoid future sickness. Immunizations are given to children to protect them from diseases and germs. Dr. Sam Pejham mentions how some people don't believe in vaccination. Although it has been proven that children's need to vaccinated and due to not having the necessary immunizations this has caused deaths all over the United States, and the world. For more information please visit you local pediatric doctor.For more videos visit the following link:
Pleasanton Pediatrician, Dr. Sam Pejham also serves the following cities and cities with the following zip codes: Dublin CA, Danville CA, Diablo CA, Castro Valley CA,San Ramon CA, 94583, 4568, 94506, and 94526.
Pediatrician Pleasanton CA on Asthma I-Phone Application Dr. Sam Pejham Dublin, Danville, Child Care
Pediatrician Pleasanton CA, Dr. Sam Pejham speaks about asthma applications with I-Phone in this video interview. Technology has advanced drastically. The I-Phone can help patients monitor and track asthma. Dr. Sam Pejham mentions that simply by downloading an app. on your I-Phone you will be able to track the sereneness of your asthma. By monitoring you asthma you will be able to find out if you need to go to the emergency room or if you can simply wait till the following day. The best part about monitoring asthma is that you can simply tell your doctor that at 8pm your were experiencing severe breathing issues, and your doctor can go back and check how severe your asthma problem was at around that particular time. For more information on asthma please visit your local medical doctor. For more videos visit the following link:
Pleasanton Pediatrician , Dr. Sam Pejham also serves the following cities and cities with the following zip codes: Dublin CA, Danville CA, Diablo CA, Castro Valley CA, San Ramon CA, 94583, 4568, 94506, and 94526.
Pediatric Doctor Pleasanton CA on Natural Tips to Prevent Cold Dr. Sam Pejham Dublin CA, Danville
Pediatric Doctor Pleasanton CA, Dr. Sam Pejham speaks about some of the methods parents can use to prevent colds, and some remedies used to treat colds. The most important fact parents should have in mind is good nutrition. Proper nutrition helps our children stay strong , and fight different kinds of diseases. A vitamin, healthy eating habits at an early age is ideal. Pedialyte is ideal for children under 6 years of age. For children over 10 years of age Gatorade is ideal because it helps hydrate the body. If your child is experiencing breathing problems Vicks vaporous helps breathe better during sleep. For more information please visit your local doctor. For more information please visit you local pediatric doctor. For more videos visit the following link:
Pleasanton Pediatric Doctor, Dr. Sam Pejham also serves the following cities and cities with the following zip codes: Dublin CA, Danville CA, Diablo CA, Castro Valley CA,San Ramon CA, 94583, 4568, 94506, and 94526.
Pleasanton Pediatrician on Ear Infections Dr. Sam Pejham Dublin CA, Danville CA, Pediatric Clinic
Pleasanton pediatrician Dr. Sam Pejham speaks about ear infections in this video interview. Ear infections are commonly found in children. An ear infection is an inflammation of the middle ear, usually caused by bacteria, that occurs when fluid builds up behind the eardrum. Anyone can get an ear infection, but children get them more often than adults. Dr. Sam Pejham mentions that ear infections are the most common reason parents bring their child to a doctor. Symptoms of ear infection are: Tugging or pulling at the ear(s), fussiness and crying, trouble sleeping, fever, fluid draining from the ear, clumsiness or problems with balance, trouble hearing or responding to quiet sounds. For more information visit your local medical doctor. For more information visit your local medical doctor. For more information visit your local medical doctor. For more videos visit the following link:
Pleasanton pediatrician Dr. Sam Pejham also serves the following cities and cities with the following zip codes: Dublin CA, Danville CA, Diablo CA, Castro Valley CA, San Ramon CA, 94583, 4568, 94506, and 94526.
Children Doctor Pleasanton CA on Autism Signs & Symptoms Dr. Sam Pejham Dublin, Danville, Child Care
Children Doctor Pleasanton CA, Dr. Sam Pejham speaks about Autism disabilities in this video interview. What is Autism? Autism is known as a complex developmental disability. Doctors believe that Autism presents itself during the first three years of a person's life. The condition is the result of a neurological disorder that has an effect on normal brain function, affecting development of the person's communication and social interaction skills. Dr. Sam Pejham mentions that most people with Autism disabilities tend to have issues with non-verbal communication, a wide range of social interactions, and activities that include an element of play and/or banter. For more information visit your local pediatric doctor. For more information visit your local medical doctor. For more videos visit the following link:
Pleasanton Children Doctor , Dr. Sam Pejham also serves the following cities and cities with the following zip codes: Dublin CA, Danville CA, Diablo CA, Castro Valley CA, San Ramon CA, 94583, 4568, 94506, and 94526.