Dr. Scott Carroll MD Albuquerque, NM with 11-20 years experience
Gender: Male Years In Practice: 11-20 Phone Number:(505) 710-2312
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
General Psychiatry
Psychosomatic Medicine
Presbyterian Hosptial
201 Cedar Street NE, Suite 4660
Albuquerque, NM 87106 Phone:(505) 710-2312
Affiliated Hospitals
Presbyterian Hospital Albuquerque, NM University of New Mexico Hospitals Albuquerque, NM
Dr. Scott Carroll's Videos
UNM HSC Experts: Dr. Scott Carroll on Bullying
They are heartbreaking stories that have become all too common across the country and here in our own communities: stories of teenagers or even younger children who have been traumatized by bullying, sometimes to the point of suicide. Dr. Scott Carroll, a child psychiatrist at UNM and director of child psychiatric consultation services at UNM Hospital, recently talked to me about these tragic kinds of cases and how they might be prevented.