Dr. Thomas Gibbs DO Hartville, OH with 21+ years experience
Gender: Male Years In Practice: 21+ Phone Number:(330) 877-6613
Family Medicine
General Family Medicine
855 W Maple St
Ste 120
Hartville, OH 44632 Phone:(330) 877-6613 Fax: (330) 877-6613
Dr. Thomas Gibbs's Videos
Dr. Thomas Gibbs - ReCOR
Dr. Tom Gibbs is the Medical Director at the CommQuest Services Regional Center for Opiate Recovery known as ReCOR, located in Massillon, Ohio. The two options at ReCOR are inpatient and intensive outpatient therapy.
ReCOR offers Medication Assisted Treatment, which consists primarily of using a drug known as Suboxone, a controllable opiate that blocks cravings and stops dope sickness. Suboxone is not a treatment program; it is a tool for recovery that allows you to get into treatment.
The other medication assisted treatment drug used at ReCOR is Vivitrol, a once every 28-day shot that blocks the opiate receptors. Clients have said that when using Vivitrol they have zero cravings or thoughts of using opiates, no anxiety, and no bad decision making. Day one at ReCOR consists of seeing a nurse for intake, then visiting Dr. Gibbs for a physician’s assessment, and lastly a counselor does a comprehensive assessment. Random drug screens, group and individual counseling sessions and at least 3 AA meetings a week are required in order to receive daily dosing.
“If you think you might be an addict, you are an addict and the first step to recovery is realizing you have a problem,” says Dr. Gibbs.