Dr. William Ellis MD El Cerrito, CA with 21+ years experience
Gender: Male Years In Practice: 21+ Phone Number:(510) 525-2600
General Ophthalmology
6500 Fairmount Ave Ste 2
El Cerrito, CA 94530 Phone:(510) 525-2600
Affiliated Hospitals
Alta Bates Summit Medical Center Berkeley, CA John Muir Health-Walnut Creek Medical Center Walnut Creek, CA UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland Oakland, CA
Dr. William Ellis's Videos
Dr. William Ellis - San Francisco LASIK Surgeon
Dr. Ellis recognized the vision correction potential of LASIK early on and was among the first in the United States to perform the LASIK procedure. He has personally performed over 35,000 LASIK procedures.
The Ellis Eye and Laser Medical Center is recognized as one of the largest, most experienced practices in refractive and laser vision correction procedures. The offices are conveniently located throughout the greater Bay Area and Northern California. Learn more at EllisEye.com
LASIK eye surgery performed by Dr. William Ellis of Ellis Eye & Laser Medical Center
LASIK laser vision correction surgery performed by the internationally recognized LASIK Eye surgeon William Ellis, M.D. of San Francisco, CA.