Dr. William O'Neill MD Detroit, MI with 21+ years experience
Gender: Female Years In Practice: 21+ Phone Number:(313) 916-7462
Interventional Cardiology
27 West Grand Boulevard
cpf 436
Detroit, MI 48216 Phone:(313) 916-7462 Fax: (313) 916-7462
Affiliated Hospitals
Henry Ford Hospital Detroit, MI
Dr. William O'Neill's Videos
Dr. William O'Neill comes to Henry Ford Hospital
Led by a world-famous expert, Dr. William O'Neill, the Center for Structural Heart Disease at Henry Ford Hospital has a global reputation for excellence in the diagnosis, treatment and management of complex cardiac conditions.
The Center for Structural Heart Disease at Henry Ford Hospital continues to be a leader in providing patients with structural heart disease with the newest, most advanced treatments. Henry Ford is one of just a handful of hospitals worldwide where patients with atrial fibrillation can have the groundbreaking LARIAT procedure to reduce stroke risk and we were first in Michigan to offer an important new procedure, Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR), to patients with severe aortic stenosis. If you have complex heart problems, you can feel confident you'll have access to true experts with experience performing the latest and most innovative procedures right here at Henry Ford's Center for Structural Heart Disease.