Dr. William Smith MD Las Vegas, NV with 21+ years experience
Gender: Male Years In Practice: 21+ Phone Number:(702) 737-1948
Neurological Surgery
General Neurosurgery
3061 S Maryland Pkwy
Suite 200
Las Vegas, NV 89109 Phone:(702) 737-1948 Fax: (702) 737-1948
Affiliated Hospitals
MountainView Hospital Las Vegas, NV Southern Hills Hospital and Medical Center Las Vegas, NV Spring Valley Hospital Medical Center Las Vegas, NV Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center Las Vegas, NV University Medical Center Las Vegas, NV
Dr. William Smith's Videos
Dr. William Smith - The Extreme Lateral InterbodyFusion (XLIF) procedure
For more information about Dr. William Smith please visit:
For more information about AIMIS Spine and to obtain a comprehensive review of your MRI please visit:
Dr. William Smith - XLIF in the treatment of degenerative scoliosis and XLIF fusion
For more information about Dr. William Smith please visit:
For more information about AIMIS Spine and to obtain a comprehensive review of your MRI please visit: